Saturday, October 30, 2010

you are the man of the family, where are all the millions, why bring the shitty little cents home?

So my father continues to be sexist.
Like, earlier on today he told me to clean up cause "when there's a woman in the house the house has to shine".
What shit?!
First of all, he treats me like a goddamn little baby and he pretty much talks to me like I'm fucking retarded so by his words and meaning there's no woman in the house when I'm there.
Secondly, my brother is visiting me. I didn't see him clean the house when the other relative was around. His wife had to do all the cleaning.
And thirdly - if something is messy or dirty, clean it the fuck up yourself!

Ughh....I hate this sexist shit!
Well, I could so freely say, "Well, you are the man of the family, where are all the millions, why bring the shitty little cents home?"

Seriously like.

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