Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Glee Furt Review

Ahhh. I love it when I'm right.
And boy have I been right about Glee all along?!

First of all - the wedding scene was exactly how I expected it.
Totally copied off the video on YouTube and they all looked like a bunch of eejits.
So well done, Glee in "its own juice"

Now, the main point.
How the fuck do they have parents hanging out at their school all the time?
This does NOT happen.
And seriously, you can be as biased as you want but please be real.
There is no way a parent can come into a school and start shoving the pupils around and not get punished! Okay there were "no witnesses" when the "bully" was threatening Kurt but there was a whole hallway full of people when the dad assaulted the kid.
And why in the world did the big guy's dad turn against his own son. Parents stick to their kid's side and that's the way it is. But the people of Glee obviously don't know anything about kids, school or parenting. If they did, they wouldn't write such shit.

Oh and all those teenagers having drinks in their hands?!

Oh dear and Finn singing the "ultimate song for a girlfriend" to Kurt was a winner.
I mean, there's no better punchline in this whole cheesy Glee mess.

A very weak episode.


jessica said...

Thank You! You just put into words everything that I was thinking this entire episode.

Sweet Kroshka said...

Well, I'm glad there's people out there who see the show how I see it.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your comments after watching Furt and had to leave a message.

I am the mom of a teenager and in the Parents'Teachers Organization of his school. I think Glee is right on target. Sure some of the episodes are fishy - making Sue the principal would NEVER happen - but this one was picture perfect. Kids in high school (especially boys) act as if they live in some sort of cone of silence. No one would come forward about Kurt's harassment, that is just the way it is in HS. When parents find out about their child being hurt, they do go a little insane. I love Burt Hummell. He is one of my all time favorite TV characters. A fantastic role model of a dad.

I thought Furt was one of the best things I've ever seen on TV. Our local school board just sponsored a seminar on Cyber bullying. A father came to speak to parents and kids about his son's suicide over being called gay on the internet. The boy was eleven. Eleven! If Glee tackles the bullying subject and is able to save even one kid from feeling they are all alone, then it has done more than any other TV show in history.

Sweet Kroshka said...

Oh I so disagree with you, momfromva. I don't mean it disrespectfully. It's your opinion and it's okay but I disagree.

First off this show is so far from reality. And the bullying is handled so badly that it kind of mocks it. I wouldn't care so much about the cheesy stuff in it if it got a sincere emotion and thought across but it doesn't.

I've said it in my earlier posts that Glee is NOT about bullying or fitting in. It is about kids singing.

In reality kids who are bullied don't sing a sad song about it. In reality the bullied ones have no friends at all.

I have been bullied in school and I've witnessed bullying of other children and it was never like it is in Glee.

I think if Glee wants to continue with the subject of bullying they should really put some thought into it or just stop promoting the show with talks about bullying. Singing is not a remedy for everything. This show is so about singing ONLY.

It just delivers cover versions of some songs.

I as a person who has been bullied/did not fit in in HS cannot relate to the show at all because the show doesn't bring out the real emotion or authentic situations. It is very put on without any real emotion, it doesn't even deal with the subject on a rational level - it's that bad.

And as far Kurt's dad character goes - he's made out to be you said it, "a fantastic role model of a dad" when he clearly isn't. His character's point of view is very narrow minded.

What gives him the right to walk into school and physically attack the kid who bullies his son? First off, it is not a very grown up thing to do and second - he should be taken to the police station for that not let him off to get married. And another thing was when he was giving out to Finn when he called Kurt a fag - he was made out to be this hero and mister know-it-all. It is totally normal for a straight guy to be pissed off with a gay guy if he made a move on him. But Glee think they're so noble and made Kurt's dad look like he put Finn in his place when he was just being a dick and putting down Finn's wants/needs/beliefs.

Things in life aren't as black and white as it is on Glee. No one is ever thoroughly good or bad.
And making the sports guy kiss Kurt was yet another narrow minded step from Glee - as if they were saying, "You're not so different so why do you hate?" Well, people ARE different and they have the right to be.

I cannot stand how Glee deals with the thing in such a shallow manner, it's like kindergarten state of mind - you call me a bad name so you're the bad guy.
The whole "underdog", cheerleader and footballer business is BS. Things aren't that simple in real life and I think Glee is promoting the whole clique thing and making the young think that such thing actually exists in real life.

Sweet Kroshka said...

The show says that it's okay to be uncool or not fit in or something like it. Well it isn't.

If a person doesn't get along with people and it keeps repeating then it's not a matter of accepting you're an "underdog" and "cool" it's a matter of realising why you keep pushing people away.

It is not because someone's a cheerleader or someone sings, the whole thing is individual and much more personal.

The popularity battle is a natural thing and just because someone is popular doesn't make them a bad or a vain person.

If someone is too weak to be popular/successful (which a lot of bullied people aren't cause they're too depressed and have no direction or interest in life - and no singing sad songs doesn't help!) it is they're own fault and their own business to deal with themselves. They're not the underdog cause the cheerleader is mean to them it's cause they don't know who they are or what they want and make themselves an easy target to more confident and stronger people.