Tuesday, November 30, 2010

planning on moving to a bigger town

Phew, thankfully I didn't have to travel today.
Seriously the nervous breakdowns and panic attacks I get when travelling are interfering with my natural healthy menstrual cycle so I cannot afford to travel. It just costs me money, health and sanity.

Anyway, to avoid travelling in the future I'm planning on moving to a bigger town.
Either Viljandi or Tartu.
Have to find a job first and then move.
And I seriously don't care about any economy crisis or no-available-jobs-gibberish, cause I need a job and I need to get on with my own life.

Oh and I planned on buying this really nice black bra but the damn shop has been closed for about 4 days now.
How annoying!?

Ahhh....I just feel so happy for not having to travel today.

Last week I didn't go to the belly dance practice nor the violin lesson.
I'm not sure whether I'll be going to belly dance today either.
I'm just lazy and...need to find a job quickly.


Unknown said...

RE: "i need a job"

Fact is......

You need >MONEY< Plain and Simple!

You've just been brainwashed, like 97% of the population, to believe that a JOB is the ONLY way to make >MONEY< (the oxygen of life) that everyone has to have to survive in our >MONEY< driven world.

IT'S BULLS**T ! You don't need a job!

You need as many income >MONEY< sources that you can possible get!

A JOB is a single income source and if you rely on it solely YOU LOSE! Just look at the unemployment offices in ANY city in ANY country they're packed with the unemployed. Just in the USA alone, over 400,000 people a WEEK lose their jobs!

My wife and I have 10+ income sources and have ZERO jobs as anyone's employee. We are continuously evaluating and adding new income sources to our lives that create what we ALL need to survive in this world >MONEY<.

Here is a completely free way for you to add an income source >MONEY< to your life, as long as you can follow simple directions and are at least 13 years old.

Your JOB, of getting the necessary work DONE, to earn your >MONEY< IS COMPLETELY UP TO YOU! We will give you a daily To-Do list to follow but...BUT...YOU MUST GET IT DONE!

**Go here> http://TiredOfJustGettingBy.net

We have 2 more free income sources for you if you can follow the simple directions with this one.

GET IT DONE! **Go here> http://TiredOfJustGettingBy.net

Yours truly,

Chuck & Addie S.

PS Want more free income producing sources to add to your life? Once you get your first free income source setup and running, send an email to
Alerts4.Howtomakemoney@gmail.com with "I NEED ANOTHER INCOME SOURCE" as the SUBJECT and we'll send you 2 more free income producing sources.

NOTE: Register today, to start your income source, and then send an email to Alerts4.Howtomakemoney@gmail.com with "I NEED THE DAILY TO-DO LIST" and we will send it to you.

Sweet Kroshka said...

Okay, please don't advertise on my blog and I do need a job. A job is not just a source of money, it gives you a purpose for the day and gives you a social life.
And if it's not a human posted comment then damn you, blogger!