Monday, March 14, 2011

Card Of The Day - Sige

Well, well. A normal card for a change. The question was what lesson or what moto should I follow today to have a very productie day. And since this card says I'm sensitive to loud noises I'd say it means I shouldn't be listening to music all day and should actually study. And maybe I'll finally get to do one energy cleansing session.
Anyway, last night around 10 I asked my stepmother to revise with me and she did. And in comes my dad and starts blaming me for leaving studying til so late and shit. Erm....I did it all day and revised in the evening, smarty pants!
And a good thing happened last night - I finally got the pattern/background image for my forum's new look. And I've been messing around with images and shit. I swear if anyone says one bad word about the new look, I'm gonna tickle someone to death!

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