Friday, March 04, 2011

I foresee yet another and very predictalbe but nevertheless a foreseekable Glee fail.

I foresee yet another and very predictalbe but nevertheless a foreseekable Glee fail.
Do You Wanna Touch Me?, I predict will go down the Blame It On The Alcohol road.
Again, who is gonna listen to the preaching when the only thing worthy about this show is the music? And while they're preaching they are very much selling sex with their songs. If they really wanted to teach a lesson they wouldn't release singles and sell all this filth sugarcoated with preacing of "underdogs, acceptance, singing cures cancer" and other shit.
And yes! While I quite enjoyed Blame It On The Alcohol, I guess mostly cause the writers actually found a subject for themselves which they can relate to and know what to write and therefore make the episode half decent, it was voted as worst TV show of the week or whatever. I think they seem to forget their target audience is like....whenever it is when you don't have a brain and the parents will most likely to raise their voice yet again. I just wish they had done it right after the first episode and prevent this monstrosity of the show being nominated for big awards, albeit some actors are great in it and deserve an award (I mean, you gotta be like really good to look good on a show like Glee)

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