Sunday, April 24, 2011

Card Of The Day - Ixchel

"Thank you so much for your help, father!" This is what my father sarcastically told me last night, except he said daughter instead of father. I was totally ready to start moving towards Tartu last night. Ugh and since I cannot go even on my bike I will go there on foot. I don't give a shit if it's "crazy" or "not normal".
Anyway, this card I got today when asked about the whole father-Tartu-anxiety business. He just fucking has to piss me off and make my anxiety worse. I do not obey any man and never will. Period!
I also talked to my mother today and told her if I'm sent to hospital then I will kill myself. And I mean it. I do not accept the anxiety and depression cause it's made my life hell. They do not belong with me, they are not a part of me or my life and I will never accept them and I will never again go to hospital to treat the conditions. If I'm forced I will end it all myself cause I will not let anyone else tell me I have these conditions and they need to be looked at.
Anyway, I'm off to practice walking. To see how far and long I'm able to walk without collapsing.

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