Thursday, April 28, 2011

Definitely one of my all time favourite arias

I think I had the best day of the year two days ago. I felt soooo good. Hardly any anxiety and I could ride my bike. A little. And when I read my cards that day I got Cordelia. :) Which basically means I did good by being outside in the sun.
Oh and I haven't talked to my family ever since the father turned to shit again a few days ago. And I don't even plan to talk to any of them cause I know they all think and do what my father does cause he's a tyran.
There is a chance that my mother will come and pick me up and brings me to Tartu. I hope so cause I kinda have a feeling I won't last the whole way there, emotionally, on a bike.
Yeah and I think I've posted this before but if not then here:

Man, I love the viola on this! Definitely one of my all time favourite arias.

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