Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Glee Funeral review

So, Glee is taking its continuity to a whole new level. Not that I've seen all of the episode trailers but I've seen the last two and I feel like I'm watching trailers for another show cause they don't match Glee whatsoever and have random storylines in them.
Okay, I have no idea what kinda airhead is responsible for the trailers but they're misleading, false advertising and just shit. I guess the show's ratings are dropping and they put random shit in trailers to make people watch but actually forget to put the thing in the show itself or... maybe a minute long video clip is a bit more in the ability range of Glee writers. Point is, if you're not gonna show it on the show, don't fucking put it in the trailer, your show sucks with or without trailers.
Okay, onto the episode.
So Sue's sister died. Is that the big gay suicide business? And why the hell make such a big deal out of it? She was shown like once or twice before. It's like some random extra in the background had died on the show. Does anybody even care?
And why on Earth does a teacher discuss her family business with some random pupils and tells them she is too scared to deal with the funeral and shit? Glee is one pretentiously emotional rollercoaster and all of the emotional bits are at the wrong, illogical, cheesy moments to preach about togetherness and belonging while making big bucks off of that shit-selling.
And here we go again with Glee saving the world. It's not their fucking business to do anything for Sue, the funeral or Sue's sister, so put your damn song back in your mouth and shut the fuck up, twats.

Well, they're making the Jesse dude sound like a dick when that's the only logical point in the whole show.

Naya Rivera is the shit. Also way too good for the show. But Jesse's point wasn't too off either. Looks like the Glee writers have some sense in their heads but they just bring it out in mean characters. Why, I don't understand.
Was that Kurt's bum wiggling shot for Ryan Murphy's pleasure moments later on?

Okay, what's up with these boring songs!? Mercedes, Kurt, Rachel? And why the hell was Rachel crying? Cause the song was so terrible and boring? I have no idea why she so over played the whole scene, it was so mindless.
Doesn't really anyone else find the whole Kurt-Finn-funeral business very sickening? It's just so disgustingly sugarcoated and horribly cheesy, annoyingly over-pleasing and revolting.
It's just so stomahc churning how everyone in Glee is so fucking "helpful" and "perfect". They're just stupid ass cock suckers and butt lickers. They suck up to everyone and claim they're nice cause they sing and dance.
And Will Schuester isn't a nice man because he went over and finished Sue's text, he's just a lame attention whore. Glee so fails at making these kinda scenes sincere and beautiful. Nobody wants to see the Glee kids' over-expressed faces, they're not real, unless you're seeing real annoyance.

And the Sasquatch  still continues to urge me to break her fat face. You hold your breath and count to three!

Anyway, the whole Sue being a big softy thing isn't a surprise anymore. Everyone knows she'll bounce back to her "mean self" with some lame joke. And why make her crawl back to Will?
Why can't the show admit that the Glee clubbers are the biggest fakes and egos and owe apologies to the rest of the school? Yeah and I'll end it on tha note.

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