Thursday, June 23, 2011

roll around on carcases

So apparently it's Saint John's Day. I don't really celebrate it. Never have. But I do remember it always raining. I'm not doing anything today or going anywhere for that matter but I actually did go yesterday. For a few mins. It was my first social thingy since my anxiety got so bad. I didn't even take Valium.
I didn't wanna stay for long though cause there was a lot of drinking and shit. I'm not into it. Here's a few pics from last night:

With my mother's man

Hahahaaa...this looks really... "interesting"


My mother on the left

Yeah, just got in from a bike ride with the dogs running along. Okay, I love Donna and everything but she has a quite a gross habit. She likes to roll around on carcases. And she ends up smelling really bad.
Just today there was a dead mole in our yard and while the other dog just played with it and threw it up in the air, Donna literally rolled and wriggled on it.

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