Friday, July 01, 2011

I'm scary, bitches!

Ugh, what a horrible day it was. Well, most of it. The rest of it was great.
It was too hot for me. I couldn't breathe properly for the most of the day.
When the sun was setting it got a bit better. I even mowed the lawn and hung out with my brother and his friend. Took the dogs swimming and then went for a bike ride.
Man, I saw this frog belly up on the road. I went over to check on it and it was still alive. My heart broke.

Oh and my mother forgot to buy me pills. She was so scared of me giving out to her she didn't come up to my room to say hello as she usually does when she gets home from work. Ha! I'm scary, bitches!

My mother's been looking at flats in Tartu.We might be moving soon since the mother and her man are... pretty much over and done.
Even my brother asked the mother today when this how-d'ye-do is gonna end. We'll see.

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