Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Glee I Am Unicorn review

Well, this show doesn't make Kurt Hummel Hurt Hummel Homo, it makes the whole cast and crew and the fans of it homo.

Why in the world would the woman come back to the girl she adopted from?! I can't imagine my stepmother going back to the teenager who gave birth to my brother and be like, "Here's your kid back". Ridiculous and inconsiderate. Who is she to tell that she wants the real mother to be the kid's life? Plus,why in the world is she giving orders about how Quinn looks!?

Rachel and her mum singing... Boring song alert!

Okay, another doofus. Where does Will take the right to give out to Quinn like that and call her a train wreck!?

Pfft... Quinn's baby'smother saying everything has to go by her terms. So she's allowed to walk into everyone's life and ruin it and when they decide to see their baby it's wrong?!

Kurt's song is super boring aswell, but Chris's well good.
What was funny about the whole Romeo and Juleit part!?

Oh jaysas, howare you supposed to have a conversation with someone if they only talk about one thing, Rachel's mum?! Ugh, serisouly, who the fuck does she think she is ordering people around!

Okay, now you gotta be like everyone else or dress like everyone else wants you to dress to joing Glee club?

Glee has nothing to do with arts so stop saying that already.

Blaine's audition... what is it with the boring songs!?

That was the end? Okay then.

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