Wednesday, November 30, 2011

job interview tomorrow

Squee! I have  a job interview tomorrow!


Glee I Kissed A Girl review

Oh woah woah waah, why does Finn have to be so cheesy!?

Perfect - Darren Criss continues to be good though.

Lol at Vladimir Putin in Sue's Booty Call book.

Oh fuck!!! This is the gay suicide episode?! Finn is made out to be a real douchebag character, I cannot get over it. It's not his fucking place to push the thing. Santana never pushed him when he thought he was the father of Quinn's baby or when he was between Quinn and Rachel. This "caring" character he's made out to be is actually... well a douchebag.
Oh man, when he said "Love you, Santana" I burst out laughing. What an eejit!

Jolene - didn't they say the characters don't randomly go into a song on the show?! That it's always performed?!

I Kissed A Girl - That Sugar girl looks nice. How unfortunate for to have had to hold onto the Sasquatch and for Naya to have the Sasquatch's fat hands on her hips!?

Hahaha, how ridiculous was Santana's mum's reaction!? Even my mother who hates everybody doesn't take me seriously when I tell her my next lover is going to be a woman. She just says "don't be stupid". I really think she doesn't believe me and she wouldn't do so even if I was with a woman. Rather this than kick me out without reasoning.

And what the fuck is Quinn talking about!? She is still in high school and has nothing. Why have another baby!?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Conversation with a friend

Conversation with a friend. Unfortunately the anxiety won't let me walk alone outside, I have to either bike or go with someone else.


This is what I've been dealing with

This is what I've been dealing with the last few days. Not that I mind. We have six of them and their all cute.

especially sasquatchy

Kevin McHale and Jenna Sasquatch

Okay, is it me or does that Jenna bitch look especially sasquatchy in the pic?! At least everyone sees what I see now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Glee Mash Off review

Okay, the first song... crappy much!?

What the fuck are the credits doing 10 mins into the show?!

The Big Gay ran to the rescue! How predictable.

I agree with the "bitchy" Santana. Finn can fuck off. It's okay to make fun of those eejits. I'm really not in the mood for any more gay stuff. It's forever and ever sickening. Although I'd rather be Ryan Murphy's lover for a single shag (I'd just shit on his dick) rather than live in a town run by Burt.

The Santana business was a bit of a surprise though. And I'm glad she slapped Finn. He's a doofus character.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

love our baby dogs our baby dogs.
They're super cute, soft, light and... cute.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Am I bitter, vindictive or even justified?

Okay, I'm such a loser. Some people who haven't been the nicest to me have added me to their friend list on Facebook. And here I am feeling bad not friending them. Am I bitter, vindictive or even justified?

Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm so dead

I'm so dead. Walked from one end of the town to the other and my hip is like basically dislocated and my foot is...dead. I'm soooooo dead.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Glee The First Time review

S-E-X and Kevin McHale? Yes, please!

*shudder* Uptown Girl... over produced much?!

What kinda school is it where teachers tell pupils about their sex life?!

And... does Rachel know Finn did it with Santana.... wasn't it like in the first seasons? A drama queen like Rachel would definitely kick up a drama over such thing.

Wow, what a suitable scenewith Mike and his dad. Fits in so damn well. Yet another parent randomly kicking up a fuss in school.

Sex and Jenna Sasquatch? No thanks!

Oh dear....this bowing down to the ground to gays again. Thank god Kurt and Blaine had a fight!
Although I must say, the song that was playing when they were dancing is the song I've searched for a looooooooooooooooong time, years and years. Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way ftw!

Naya Rivera I liked. Me likes her a lot. Very very much. And the America number. Best theatrical number in Glee history.

Although the "sex scene" with Blaine and Kurt was kinda... gross. Sorry but anal is gross and if they did oral they didn't really lose their virginity.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

totally disgusting inhumane human unit

I don't know why I even started to expect from a person who has killed their own child to save the lives of children of another one.
And yeah, nature works this way: say a woman has three kids at once, you gotta kill the third one cause women only have two nipples.
Blah.... totally idiotic.
I mean I told my mother and her man about a hundred times not to kill the pups and they just won't listen.
They're a totally disgusting inhumane human unit.

Next week so.

Our dog's giving birth. Three pups so far.
So I'm missing my appointment with the psychiatrist today.
Missed it last week cause she was out of the country and the week before cause I was moving.
Next week so.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Our very pregnant dog

Our very pregnant dog. Staying inside.

Pill fail

Ugh, have to go back to town cause I forgot my tablets. Pill fail.

she might give birth any day now.

At my mother's place. Will have to be here til Tuesday. Have to babysit our dog cause she might give birth any day now. Gahh, I hope I'm not home alone when it happens.
She is quite big now anyway. And our little dog is throwing up all the time for some reason.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Glee Pot O' Gold review

Ugh, stereotypes.

And I don't get why Quinn is so adamant to get her baby back. All this time she didn't even think about her and now all this hullabaloo. Hello, logic!?

Burt is definitely the worst character on the whole show. Disgusting human being. I hope there won't be much of him in the following episodes.

Boy, am I glad Glee has got less irritating!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

wanna get drunk and bed random men

 I wanna get drunk, bitches!
Boo, my pills. I wanna get drunk and bed random men. It'd be like Christmas morning with loadsa gifts for kids.

stop taking pills and drink

Blah, anxiety.
I wanna stop taking pills and drink.

had a few pathetic go's

Yesterday was my first sort of public event.Well, my flatmates had a friend over and we played cards, smoked hookah and sang. Well, I didn't sing but the other two girls did. Mostly Avril Lavigne songs, on the guitar. And well, I didn't really smoke either, had a few pathetic go's.
And I went on a date the other day. Don't think anything will come out of it but it's okay. I have another lad already.We'll see how that goes.
