Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Glee The First Time review

S-E-X and Kevin McHale? Yes, please!

*shudder* Uptown Girl... over produced much?!

What kinda school is it where teachers tell pupils about their sex life?!

And... does Rachel know Finn did it with Santana.... wasn't it like in the first seasons? A drama queen like Rachel would definitely kick up a drama over such thing.

Wow, what a suitable scenewith Mike and his dad. Fits in so damn well. Yet another parent randomly kicking up a fuss in school.

Sex and Jenna Sasquatch? No thanks!

Oh dear....this bowing down to the ground to gays again. Thank god Kurt and Blaine had a fight!
Although I must say, the song that was playing when they were dancing is the song I've searched for a looooooooooooooooong time, years and years. Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way ftw!

Naya Rivera I liked. Me likes her a lot. Very very much. And the America number. Best theatrical number in Glee history.

Although the "sex scene" with Blaine and Kurt was kinda... gross. Sorry but anal is gross and if they did oral they didn't really lose their virginity.

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