Sunday, January 01, 2012

What went down yesterday?

What went down yesterday?
So I was wearing my pink flowery pj bottoms and a pink tank top and everyone had something to say about the outfit. It wasn't appropriate cause you could see too much flesh and it looked too much like underwear.
So I put on a dress that my mother suggested. Since I've gained so much weight it was very tight and short, so it was a no go again.
I ended up witht he same pj bottoms and a white tank top.
Yeah and then we had an argument with my mum's man. He said karaoke and parody were the same thing. Wherever he got that idea from.

Yeah and around twelve o'clock then... we had a little firework ourselves. Mother's man had these old army from the '60s and they fell down real quick and were burning on the ground. Was scary.

No new year resolutions.

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