Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The One Where No One's Ready

Ughhh, been watchinng Friends and I still very much hate Rachel. In this episode she got mad at Ross cause he was yelling at and humiliating her. Well, that bitch deserved it. And then they made Ross apologise to that cunt!? Arghh, that stupid bitch, I loathe her!

Yeah and on a positive note, I managed to sit through one of the uni classes today. Woohoo. Had to take about 15 drops of Valium but who cares! Tomorrow I have another class and then on Thrusday I have classes from 8.15 til 6 o'clock. Ahhh, and then I'll have 2 classes on Friday and then I will go to my moter's place. I really hope I can sit though all of the classes and that my anxiety won't be a bitch to me. Fingers crossed.

Oh and I gained a follower! Hello there :)

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