Friday, March 08, 2013

Glee Girls (and Boys) on Film review

For starters I gotta say I was immensely bored so I watched like... I watched it for a couple of minutes then did something else then came back again for a few minutes etc.

I gotta say though, I really like Heather's singing.

Boring Blaine song alert!

Okay the girls' mash-up.... The Sasquatch has got some fat armpits. Gross!

Oh dear lord!!!! Why in the world are the Glee kids there when Will is seeing Emma!?

Yeah, I don't give two shits about Marley, Jake and Ryder.

Aaaaand it's over. I totally started watching it in the morning and finished it just now. Think I'm gonna stop reviewing the show cause it's so mindlessly boring for me.

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