Monday, September 30, 2013

two more hours

Ahh only two more hours and I get to see Last Man Standing's season 4 episodes.

Plus, I nearly slept with a guy today. He didn't come over. Luckily. Gotta keep it in the pants til I get a boyfriend. It's a bit harder than I thought.

I was kinda getting off my olanzapine pills but have been feeling shitty so have to take 10mg of them now. Again.

Plus on Wednesday I have a job interview at this car wash place. The pay is pretty good but the work hours kinda suck. Ten hour shifts.

Blah..okay I'll go and surf the net til twelve o'lock. Then it's LMS time!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why why why!?

Gahh! I'm so smitten! Why a celebrity though!? Why why why!?

Friday, September 27, 2013

a fancy word

So what have I been up to? Not much. I stay up til 3 or 4 am and wake up at 3 pm. Then stay in bed all day, surfing the net. Super fun and exciting. Well, sometimes it is. Well, it's gonna be soon. Jonathan's gonna be on Last Man Standing again and I cannot wait! Squee!!!
Also, I cannot wait til the first of October cause that's when my internet's gonna be fast again. I have so many youtube videos I have to watch and stuff.

And yes...realistically, I have to find a job for myself. I want some part time janitor position. I don't need a whole lot of money.

Yeah and summer just...totally ended about a week ago. I could see the summer evanesce right behind my window (okay, I used a fancy word, don't know if it fits the sentence :D).

Sunday, September 15, 2013

what's more important than love

How do women function when they're on their period? I properly started today and the cramps are not so bad but I spent the whole yesterday in a haze. There's nothing I could have done.

Plus, I think it's kinda sad how eagerly I check my mail for Jonathan Taylor Thomas Google alerts but dread it when there's a response from a job offer. But I mean... what's more important than love, right!?

I've been playing so much Sims it's unreal. Can't be arsed to update my sim blog though, I'm so behind on my blog. Generations.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Scary shit!'s a good thing I'm a little sick and can't go to my mother's place today. Mother called in the morning and said her man is sick. Apparently he collapsed a couple of days ago and vomited for seven hours. She called the ambulance and the paramedics said he has to go and see a neurologist. Scary shit!
I think he still can't walk or get up...without vomiting. Ughhhh...horrible.

Dear car owner

Dear car owner, please SHUT UP YOUR FUCKING CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't tried going to sleep yet but if this damn alarm doesn't shut off I'm not gonna get any sleep. This thing has been on for over an hour and nobody...the owner..hasn't shut it off. Damn, I'll go and steal your car.. you wouldn't even know.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I'm sick

I'm sick. Surprised so early into autumn.
Normally I get sick around Christmas. Think I just have a cold, got a runny nose, sore throat and a ... weird headache thingy going on. Or it might be a virus since my brother had the same symptoms when I was at the mother's last weekend. Dunno. it sucks. Don't feel my best and don't think I'll be able to go to my mother's place this weekend. Boo!

Plus! I've meant to point this out several times...
 Notice how it says 25? :D Yeah, I just can't bring myself to change it to my correct age. I'll be twenty five for forever.

Monday, September 09, 2013

comfort eating

Okay, I'm totally comfort eating when I'm in town. Today, I had four packs of dehydrated fish, two ice creams and two Dime chocolates. And I know I'll be getting a packet of crisps tomorrow and chocolate again. Ugh. Luckily it doesn't do anything to my weight but I'm just thinking about my health.
And it's only eleven right now and I'm so bored. Actually thinking of going to sleep. Oh I took a nap around 6 o'clock and had a dream of me being pregnant with Jonathan's baby. :D Good times!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Okay, I only just now discovered Kyle Gallner and Jonathan Taylor Thomas both have been on Smallville and Veronica Mars. Great shows lol!!!

Oh and I didn't get the position at this school. Nw I'm totally jobless again.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

not a good day

Oh dear. Today is not a good day for me and my appartment owner. She keeps over reacting about stuff. Like, she so randomly came into my room and started giving out to me about crooked fork. She says she has seen me trying to open a jar with it. I dunno what she saw but it sure wasn't me trying to get the lid off of a jar with that fork. :D I obviously stood up for myself and denied everything and she said it was impossible to get things sorted with me. Yeah, of course when you accuse me of thing I haven't done.
And before, she came to me and complained about there being water on the floor in the bathroom. Of course there's gonna be water on the floor when I have to hold the shower head and wash myself at the same time. I told her there's gonna be water on the floor as long as the shower head doesn't get fixed. She says it cannot be attached to the wall cause then the water would run against the wall. Yeah, that's not my problem anymore :D

Ahh and I've been so nervous about my test day tomorrow. Will go to this school for a job. I hope I won't get anxiety.