Tuesday, December 31, 2013

my two girl crushes

Okay, I don't wanna end my year on my blog with such a negative post. So here's my two girl crushes:
They look so alike, don't they!? :)

Monday, December 30, 2013

thank you very much!

My mother's man just got mad at me. Hahahahaa!
I gave out to my brother for disconnecting the net and he got mad. He told my mother to disconnect it entirely. I can use my own internet stick thank you very much!
It gives me a weird thrill to have got him mad. :D Men, pffftt.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Oh brother

Oh brother please refrain from listening to Wrecking Ball! It's doing my head in. He's right in the next room and yeah he has his headphones on but I can still hear the horrible song. He's been listening to the thing all day.

so yesterday

Aaarrghh! My borther's watching Wrecking Ball parodies and he keeps on singing the damn song. So annoying!!! The song and the parodies are so yesterday!

Friday, December 27, 2013

a bitch to live with

Okay. I have an account on this sexy dating website. I uploaded a topless pic of myself (which is not that big of a deal as I have nothing there). Anyway... I got quite a few compliments. The thing is, there are some pretty awful pics on the website and the men say all kinds of positive things. Just goes to show that horny men are senseless men. Think I'll take down the topless pic. Ugh.

I talked to my dad on the phone yesterday. Found out he's on antidepressants aswell. What is happening!? I'd never wish emotional and mental issues to anyone cause they're a bitch to live with.

As per usual my family didn't celebrate Christmas. We were in our forest burning twigs for two days. No presents either. And no Christmas TV shows/films/music.

Oh actually, my brother made gingerbread biscuits. But he only made them cause he likes sweets. And we totally failed at putting icing on them. I was gonna add some pics but my computer won't reckognise the SD card.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

sliding down this banister

Tim: Remember sliding down this banister guys?
Marty: Oh yeah. I also remember there was only one of us dumb enough to go down facing forward.
Tim: Anybody can do it backwards. Mum was wrong too, I was still able to have children.
Jeff: Yeah but look at them.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I See Fire

Ahh, such a chill tune! Love listening to it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I know I know, I took Valium before leaving home but still

Yay! What a great day it has been. So far anyway. Went to the psychiatrist and I didn't get anxiety. I know I know, I took Valium before leaving home but still.
I managed to go to a couple of souvenir shops to buy a present for a girl on my forum. We're doing this thing where girls give each other presents. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything for the girl. I have one thing bought but I wanna buy something more. Maybe I'll just buy a chocolate and it'll do. Hmm...dunno yet.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kaffee bonbons

Blahahaha...Have to go and see my psychiatrist tomorrow. Not a happy bunny about it. I just hope I won't get major anxiety.
Yeah, came back to town yesterday after spending nine days at my mother's place.
Will go back there next Monday, for Christmas.

Yeah, I've been eating these like crazy:
Yum! Super good.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

my poor little baby

Here she is, my poor little baby, on our basement floor:

My mother's man changed the cogwheels and the chain. I took it for a quick spin after fixing and it felt normal, like it was fixed. I hope it really is. Cost me 30 euros and a hug for the man. :D
Hm, looks like men are useful sometimes.


Monday, December 09, 2013

My trusty little trooper

Aw, my bike broke :(
My trusty little trooper.
Am stuck at my mother's place til it gets fixed.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

I just love

Ahhhhh.... I just love Home Improvement so much!!!
Tim Allen is the man!

skinny bitches have such big tits

How do those skinny bitches have such big tits? I've been skinny and had small boobs. Now I'm fat and still have small tits.

Monday, December 02, 2013

the hardest time

Oh man. Had the hardest time biking back to town today. Was going against the wind, it was cold and slippery. It took me three hours to go through about 17 kilometres.

Ilme, my apartment owner, will be coming home from hospital tomorrow. Yay... I know it may sound mean but now I have someone to buy me food. I missed her. Although it's quite nice being home alone. I can do the dishes when I want to and shit.

Yeah, Christmas and New Year's are coming. Think I'll spend the Crimbo at my mother's place since she may have quests over. I just love the food. And I'll probably be alone on New Year's Eve.