Friday, December 27, 2013

a bitch to live with

Okay. I have an account on this sexy dating website. I uploaded a topless pic of myself (which is not that big of a deal as I have nothing there). Anyway... I got quite a few compliments. The thing is, there are some pretty awful pics on the website and the men say all kinds of positive things. Just goes to show that horny men are senseless men. Think I'll take down the topless pic. Ugh.

I talked to my dad on the phone yesterday. Found out he's on antidepressants aswell. What is happening!? I'd never wish emotional and mental issues to anyone cause they're a bitch to live with.

As per usual my family didn't celebrate Christmas. We were in our forest burning twigs for two days. No presents either. And no Christmas TV shows/films/music.

Oh actually, my brother made gingerbread biscuits. But he only made them cause he likes sweets. And we totally failed at putting icing on them. I was gonna add some pics but my computer won't reckognise the SD card.

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