Monday, February 03, 2014

it's been pretty dead

Okay, today I was supposed to have my job interview but last night I gave into my anxiety and decided not to go. I haven't told my mother yet so I'm worried about that.
Ugh! Luckily the weather has been warmer so I might be able to go to my mother's place, Melliste, this weekend. I'd like to go there already on Thursday. We'll see.
Yeah and I'm feeling all poo poo at the minute. Think it's cause I might start my period tomorrow.

Oh and on my forum we started this new thing, film club. We also have a book club but I obviously won't be taking part in that. Hmm...maybe I should. Have to renew my library card, it had expired the last time I went to the library.
Anyway, back to film club.
The first film we watched was Triple Dog.
I gave it 7,5 out of ten. Brittany Robertson is hot. Although her character is majorly annoying. And I didn't undertsand as to why she would play the game again when she was still upset and feeling regret about playing it before what with the girl drowning and all. Yeah I thought I'd write the reviews on my blog aswell cause you never know when the forum will be over since it's been pretty dead lately. Anyways...yeah...I'm off.

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