Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I just wanna show it off

Okay... =D Now it's my cooch's turn to be at number one:
 Okay...I have this newfound excitement about my body. I know I'm unfit and shit but I love my body and I wanna show it off. A guy on the website asked my why I was uploading such pics when I'm not looking for sex. I didn't feel like replying and justifying my decision to him. But that's exactly why...I just wanna show it off.

Yeah and my mouse battery just died. Ugh. Won't get a new one til tomorrow. I only have three euros left for this week. And I'm sort of a psychic. Yesterday when I was riding my bike I thought of going into the shop and buying a new battery for my mouse. Damn, why didn't I!?

Yeah...on friday, as per usual, I will be going to my mother's place. Crappy thing is, they will be going to some sort of a lake with the family. And I obviously won't be going cause of my anxiety. Shit!
I have to stay at home and work. Mow the lawn and weed.

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