Monday, January 26, 2015

hot and cute

So, I'm being a bit of a perv and looking at some young guys' pics on dating websites. 19 year olds. Like I don't remember the boys in my class being that hot and cute.

they just get on with life

Ugh. I'm not that up to date with Benedict Cumber...Cumberbatch? Is that his name!? Anyway, I dunno the situation entirely but apparently he called black people (or whatever they want you to call them) "coloured". I only read the headline and some tweets about it. Ugh. So black people don't want like racism towards them and no word to describe or address them is "correct". And then they go and set themselves apart from the rest of the humankind and talk about their community and "nigga this, nigga that". Like, what the fuck do you want!? If you're so indecisive, then fucking take what you're given!
Same goes for gay people. They want acceptance and normality and then they have the "LGBT community". Like, shit!? "Straight white" people don't have any of those idiotic communities, they just get on with life.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

My head hurts


And I decided to talk to the shitface. Maybe we'll get to the money business.


OOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGG!!!!!! Just received a message from this dillhole I lost my virginity to!!!!!!! I was literally gasping for air when I read his message!!! I hope the fuckhead gives me the money back I gave him as loan. I dunno if I should answer cause I told him I'd never speak to him ever again and I gotta stick to my guns. But the money would be nice. Ahhhrrrghhhgh, I dunno what to do, I'm so all over the place cause of it.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Doesn't make sense

So last night I got to thinking when falling asleep... I've been watching Celebrity Ghost Stories...
Say, my grandmother died in her sixties. And I die in my seventies. If the afterlife exists, wouldn't I be older than my grandmother?! Doesn't make sense.

Friday, January 23, 2015

I mean, I can control myself but... really why deprive?!

*waaahhh* that horrible period when you only have 10 GB worth of internet for a week and have sooooooo many films you wanna donwload

Plus I got talking to this guy on the internet who seems rather interesting. Well, I guess my new year's resolution is not to sleep with anyone unless I'm in a relationship with them. I've been in this promise situation before and it has never worked. Hopefully now it will. If I'm not in a relatinship by March, I'm becoming slutty again. I mean, I can control myself but... really why deprive?!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pathetic liars or insane optimists

Well men are pathetic liars. Or insane optimists. Like on this dating website. There's a guy who I've done the deed with and he says on his profile that he is fit and good at fucking. I can't confirm either.
And other men too say they're fit and muscular or whatever of the sort but when you look at pics it's clear they're more on the heavy/fat side. Fat is not fit or muscular. I don't know who they're lying to, probably to themselves the most.
Yeah and just because you like to fuck doesn't mean you're good at it.

this stupid season

So Eat Pray Love is on tomorrow night. I'd love to watch it cause of Franco but Ryan Murphy is the director. I bet he made all the characters gay.

Ugh, came to mum's place. Gahhh, I just hate winter!! The ice is absolutely mind numbingly disgusting! It's so so so slippery out. Thank god there's only a month and half left of this stupid season.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

James Franco books

Ahhh, I just found out this Estonian bookstore sells James Franco books. Damn, I've wasted half the money my father gave me for my b-day on junk food and shit! I could've bought one of the books! Now the money I have left is for food. Damn! I really need a job.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

listening in on us

Ugh, I smell rancid. Was in the kitchen for a couple of minutes when Ilme was smoking. She got her panties in a twist last night. She said the wind was too high to have my window open and I told her to leave it be. Then she started closing all the doors. And I really like the idea. But her idea is that she will install a doorsill on my door so that the cold air from my room doesn't leak out to her room. I wish she was that adamant about her smoke smell. I hope she'll keep closing the doors that way I can have a man over without worrying about her listening in on us.

Monday, January 12, 2015

there are only three men, now four

About actresses. There's a whole bunch of women I like, for their talent. And there are only three men, now four. I've liked Simon Pegg and Tim Allen for years. Then I thought Leonardo DiCaprio was good. And now I think Danny McBride's awesome. Now downloading As I Lay Dying for McBride and Franco. I started watching it before but didn't make ti very far.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

That awkward moment

That awkward moment when your male celebrity crush has bigger tits than you:

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Richardson and Thomas!!!

What a grear episode of Last Man Standing it was! Richardson and Thomas!!! And Glee will end this year. A very great start to TV life so far.

I'm too excited

Phew! Had a little Last Man Standing marathon. I'm too excited to go to sleep but I cannot wait til I wake up tomorrow and can watch the episode with Patricia Richardson! It'll be so bittersweet.

Friday, January 09, 2015

Sounds like a plan, right?

:D I was on this sexy dating website and someone had posted a porn video on their profile. Watched it. Didn't make me horny but made me want to have a boyfriend. Damn! It's so hard to find a decent lad. And I'm picky as fuck myself. I gotta have the best.
Ideally, I'd love to live with a guy. Alone, just the two of us. Then we could fuck all the time without worrying what the apartment owner in the next room will tell me after the sexy shenanigan.
And I'd also love to live with a guy cause then I wouldn't have to worry about going to the shop. He could shop for us. I'd give him a list of things I need and then he'd go to the shop alone, cause I can't with my anxiety, and when he got home I'd make something yummy for us. Sounds like a plan, right?
But I'd have to have a room for myself aswell cause I need quite a bit of alone time. And when I get my anxiety attack I have to be alone.
Ahhhh, sounds so amazing!!! I want it so bad at the minute. I mean I want it all the time but especially now. See what porn does to me!?

Thursday, January 08, 2015

I obviously turned him down

Oh my god! Rando just called me. It's the guy who raped me years ago. He had no recollection of the rape though. Tool! He wanted to meet up again. I obviously turned him down.

This is the end James

Ha! Saw this while plaing a HOG.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

more than one hair

Okay, I've got more than one hair down there! =D lol


About Seth...

lol =D I think he's alright. Why is he sucking up to America though?

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Happy birthday, Master!

Oh my god! It was Hayao Miyazaki's birthday yesterday!!! Happy birthday, Master!

Monday, January 05, 2015

July 2013

I don't wanna jinx it now but I haven't had a full on general anxiety attack since July 2013. Phew!
Got back to Tartu today. Man, was it cold!? I hope I won't fall ill. And I somehow managed to not get the stomach flu my mother and brother had. Yay to that!

Yeah and today I taught Ilme how to send messages on her phone. :D I thought it was gonna be a lot more dreadful. Luckily she's not too bad of a typer.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy new year!

Well this New Year's party was quite great to be honest. We had food and family. Happy new year!