Sunday, February 28, 2016

the best expression

Hahaa... Lembit shared a pic with me:
I've got the best expression on my face! I set it as my phone lockscreen. It was taken on my 30th birthday celebration.

The aftermath of "must have"

The aftermath of "must have"

Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

must have

Well, today was stupid.
Went to the shop with Nupi. Left Jossu in the hall. And apparently I left the kitchen door open. And he obviously wanted to come with but he's impossible to control. And he must have watched us leave through the hall window and the run to the kitchen to see where we were going. Then he must have got caught in the speaker wires and dragged them to the floor knocking over two vases and breaking Lembit's coffee cup which still had coffee in it, spilling that shit all over the place. *sigh*
Plus I bought jelly sweets and those things destroyed my tooth. It broke into pieces. No worries though. I planned to get it taken out anyway.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Not sure if it's okay to drink it

Shit. Bought this grapefruit juice. It tastes so bitter and reminds me of men's fragrance. Not sure if it's okay to drink it.
And I'm still kinda pumped about walking to mum's workplace today. I hope I keep getting better. This might mean I'll go jogging when I get new runners and the snow melts.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Masturbation fail | Storytime

Maybe I've talked about this but whatever. Here goes... When I was about 15 and still in school, some classmates of mine went to this camp. When they came back they told stories of the camp. One story was that they were shown videos of men and women masturbating. They were educative. The type of videos mentally ill people are shown to teach them satisfy their needs. And the man at the camp told everyone to masturbate cause apparently it was good for you. Yeah... I tried a few times but can't remember much about it. All I know is I've always failed at it. I fiddle around for about a minute then get bored. I'm not doing it for myself. Yeah the bigger fails are here:
1. A pen - I guess I wanted to try something other than my fingers or hand so... I turned to  a pen. Yeah I could walk around all my life with a pen inside me and I'd have no idea. I felt absolutely nothing.
2. A hairbrush - not the bristled end! The handle part. I didn't have anything else around that looked like a stick so I used the hairbrush. I put the condom on it and everything. Yeah, I got a yeast infection from that session. Fail!
3. A vibrator - I went down the normal person path with this one and bought a vibrator. I remember when I was in the shop there were different sizes and shapes. I didn't wanna buy a tiny stick-like one and there were some massive ones on the ground like freaking decorative floor vases. So I bought a "medium" one that looked like a penis. Um... when I went to try it out, I couldn't get it in. Plus the vibration made my hand numb and it did nothing for my ladyparts.
4. Showerhead - I had heard showerheads were good. And when it hits the right spot, it feels nice. So this one time I gave it a go in shower. Yeah I somehow hurt my clit and it was sore for the rest of the day. Never trying that again. Or masturbating in general.

liking this

More great stuff. Went to mum's workplace on foot today. And back. I'm liking this!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

stories from the past

So I've been watching YouTube videos a lot. Some fun people do storytime videos. I might just do that on my blog. Not videos but write down stories from the past. Right now I write about stuff that's happening currently but I've obviously had a life before I started this blog. Watch this space...

little breakthrgouh

Had a little breakthrgouh today. Went to the therapist's on foot. Also went to Prisma and Selver without a trolley.
Yeah, good times.

Yeah, that rhymed

I just ate. Man I feel great. Yeah, that rhymed. Had bean salad with frankfurters. And then a sweet roll. I'm as happy as a clam.

Monday, February 15, 2016

what's with the snow?

Like, I know it's winter and everything but what's with the snow? It was so good and snowless out for weeks and now it's been snowing all evening and it's all white out.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

other shit

Shit, I feel so sleepy but won't fall asleep. There's nothing to do online. I wanna eat something but I'm over crisps, blue cheese and other shit. Ugh!

body of water

I just remembered that I live really close to this body of water and I never swim in it during summer. Like what!? Maybe it's cause I'd go there on a bike and I don't wanna leave it unattended when I swim.

Plus my teeth have been paining me. Rang a doctor, she said I must have caught a cold.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

I'm really fucking evolving!

Shit! I discovered emojis. I texted my mother. She rang me back and asked if I was bored. I said no and that I was just eager to use my phone. Why don't I have a ton of people to text!?

Also my room is a mess, can't be arsed to clean it though.

Oh and I went to the shop today without a trolley. Like, the trolley has always helped me when in shop but yeah I went without one. I'm really fucking evolving!

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Expect a fuckton of selfies now

So I've been evolving. I said I'd never get a smartphone but here I am. I wanted Nokia 515 but they didn't have it in the shop. So I asked for something with a good camera and below 10 euro a month after-payment. So I got LG Spirit 4GLTE. I spent about an hour at the shop, yay. Anxiety and shit you know. Then came home and had to go back cause I couldn't get my sims card in. But all is well now.
My camera broke and instead of a new camera I bought a phone. Expect a fuckton of selfies now...


Monday, February 01, 2016

gotta get my slutty on

Oh man! I'm in town!!!! First time this year and after the holidays.didn't wanna take on the long bike ride but I managed to do it pretty easily. And I already bought all sorts of comfort food. Oh wel...

Plus, Ilme told me not leave again for almost two months because she needs me. Like wtf!? I pay the rent anyway so I can be whereever I wanna be. Plus she doesn't want me to have any men coming over. When I find a job I'm so moving out anway. I gotta get my slutty on!