Saturday, September 24, 2016

I'm done!

Uuurhrghghhh, men are so annoying! Like, they're like "wanna see me shower?", "want me to give you head without you doing nothing in return?", "wanna see me wank?". Like, bitches, stop!!!
Just cause yous like to wtach someone take a shower, give you head or flick their bean doesn't mean women want the same things from you!!! These are your fantasies, not the women's you send your idiotic messages to.
I've so had enough of the oral sex offers. No, I don't want your grubby mouth anywhere near my vag. Just cause men are notorious oral sex enjoyers, doesn't mean women are too. I find the idea of going down on a woman extremely nauseating. I will never do it and I don't want anyone to do it to me. So please stop grossing me out!!!
Plus, while we're on the subject - men, please don't finger women! Hard with a finger is not the same as hard with a dick. Fingers hurt like shit and just feel extremely uncomfortable.
Also, french kissing is gross as shit too. Don't do this shit to me! Tongue kissing to me is exactly the same as going down on a woman: slimey, gooey, fucking gross. I don't want your damn tongue anywhere near my mouth. Fucking shit, it's gross!!!!
I'm done!

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