Tuesday, November 29, 2016

being nice

Haha, Ilme was being delusional again. Luckily it didn't make me mad. Like the first thing I do when I get up is go and put the kettle on for my tea and wash my cup at the same time. That's what I was doing this morning. And I've said before that the first thing Ilme tells me in the morning is to do shit for her. So when I was doing my thing, she came into the kitchen and asked if I would take the garbage out today. I was still sleepy, so I was very calm and told her I just woke up and wasn't even thinking about such things yet. Then I totally forgot about the conversation cause it was so unimportant. Then before going to work I remembered the garbage and I went into Ilme's room to tell her I'd take it out tomorrow cause I wanna have a bath today after work. And she was like okay but don't get moody with me, talk nicely to me. !?!?!?!?!? Bitch, seriously!?!?!?!?!? I was in no way moody with her lol. And I was being nice to her. The fact that she didn't think I was being nice to her was cause I didn't jump the fucking gun and run outside right then and there when she brought up the garbage. Like, no, I'm not gonna take the garbage out the second you think of it. And are we really, really really, gonna talk about being nice!? Um, what about the time you barged into my room after when I had had sex to give out to me about having sex when it's not even your fucking business?!?!? You can just shut up about being nice since you clearly have no idea what being nice is about. She thinks being nice is obeying and worshipphing her. What a hag!

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