Saturday, January 28, 2017


That awkward moment when I didn't get the joke
Dear shit. Where do I start?
Okay. There is so much misunderstanding when it comes to depression and anxiety. And I think it comes from the word mental. Mental health. And it's symptoms of mood changes, behavioural changes and maybe even habitual changes. Mental kinda implies that this part of health, body, being is abstract. And abstract leaves so much wiggle room for people's own misinformed and warped interpretation of those two, depression and anxiety. When in reality, mental is a brain disorder. The brain is not working properly. It's a physcial thing, either the chemicals are inbalanced or the receptors are not working properly or you have "odd" brain acitvity. And that causes the person's mood changes which result in behavioural and habitual changes. The so called mental changes. It's the same when you have a cold and you feel poorly and stay in bed and sleep and don't wanna eat or go out. Besides, as opposed to mental symptoms, depression and anxiety have a ton of physical symptoms aswell.
So suggesting to "just snap out of it" or "be positive" is not gonna make the person healthy. You don't say "snap out of it" to a person who has cancer or, as a lot of people like to say, someone who is missing a limb. It would sound incredibly ridiculous to say it to those people. The cancer won't go away and the person won't grow a limb cause of it. Yes, I might have my limbs but I do not have a properly working brain. So suggesting those ridiculous things is absolutely annoying and useless. It just shows you don't know at all what I'm going through or how to support me (if that is you goal, most of the times people just shrug off mental illnesses as nothings so they just look like idiots doing so).
Yehh, my two cents on this. Enough with the abstract.

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