Thursday, June 29, 2017

a big ass fucking change

Ok, school is cancelled. I'm going to sign the new contract with the new place on saturday I think. And once I'm settled in there, I'll look for an extra job. The heating bills are a little higher in the winter so I need a little bit more money. But the amounts the landlord/apartment owner told me were from last winter when the windows were old and the thermal insulation wasn't installed yet so I'm sure the bills will go a little smaller next winter.
Plus they have limitless internet wifi there so I could cancel my internet stick and gain 40 euros. Or I can use some of their wifi and get a cheaper smaller data deal with my stick.
Ahhhh, my anxiety is so bad though. Definitely cause I only slept for almost three hours last night cause I was so nervous about seeing the places today and now I'm anxious about moving. It's a big ass fucking change okay.

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