Saturday, July 15, 2017

is it not happening then?

Okay, I'm so confused right now.
So on tuesday I got my tooth pulled. And I had to ride my bike to the pension and healthcare offices to get the money back for the tooth. Not gonna get that.
Anyway, I think all the riding, physical activity, made my tooth really hurt and bleed. Well, not the tooth cause it was out, but the hole.
Long story short, I'm on antibiotics now. The one pill I took during the day, made me feel sick for 7 hours. And the second one I took 4 hours ago and I'm feeling nothing. Okay, at about 20 minute mark on less I felt really woozy but that was it. No nausea whatsoever.
And during the day, the first pill gave me a little bit of tummy troubles and all and major nausea.
I called my supervisor at work and said I won't be coming in for three days next week cause I have to take the pills three times a day for at least five days.
I mean if it continues how it's going now with the second pill then I don't even have to miss work. But I think tomorrow with the full three pill day I'll be dying quite a bit.
Anyway, I'm taking Amoxicillin, 500mg a dose, every 8 hours - that's 6am, 2pm and 10pm.
I was so prepared to feel sick all night tonight... is it not happening then? :D

Oh yeah and I had a long fun chat about mental illnesses and shit with the girl I live with, Johanna. She sings well. I told her she should go on one of those superstar shows. She said she's wanted to for a while but never has. And her cousin or someone said the next time there are the auditions she will drag her there. :D Would be fun to support someone I personally know :)

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