Sunday, November 05, 2017

all I've done is die

Started my period today. Took a 1000mg of paracetamol and a no spa. Not even an ounce less pain! Fuck! Should have taken ibuprofen straight away. I thought since it makes you bleed more I shouldn't take it when on period but fuck... I'd rather bleed more than have this pain. I mean it's not gonna make me bleed to death ffs. Now I have to wait a few hours to take it and suffer through til that time. Tried to take a nap but someone was drilling something or...something.
The upside is, my mum's man came over today to help me put together the bed my landlord bought me. It's a long story, dunno if blogged before, but my back didn't want to let me sleep on the old bed so the landlord ended up buying a new one for me. Mum's man said it doesn't look like a very sturdy bed so hopefully it doesn't collapse when I'm in it.
Yesterday was super though. I worked at two places. Went in to my regular job to do extra work, for free. I just felt so productive yesterday. Thought of leaving one place for today but I was already spotting yesterday and I thought I'd start properly today and would be dying today and was right. So luckily I did everything yesterday. Today all I've done is die.
Should be better tomorrow.


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