Sunday, January 28, 2018

All I'm askin' Is for a little...

So had a potboiler type of thing today. A cleaning job. Got 70 euros but... Just found out the apartment was broken into by this estonian singer. Fuck you dude! Not ever gonna listen to your crappy band now. I mean I never planned to anyway but I especially will not now. The people in the apartment escaped from him and the police was called and everyone left the same day and I was the one who had to clean up the place.

Yeah this weekend I have worked more than I usually do on workdays. Fun times.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Just like the old times

So yeah I feel like I only come here nowadays to complain or to compain about my health. Just like the old times then, eh? Well, for the fourth or fifth time in about a year or so I have low body temperature again. Makes me feel like shit. It's not catastrophically low, 36,2, but I feel like complete shit. Too low for my body. Started yesterday. Got shaky legs at work. Had a bad and sick night and feel like shit all day today.
I'm pretty sure it' cause of olanzapine still eventhough the last time I took it was in november, 23rd to be exact. Hopefully that's the last of it. I dunno if it messed up my body for good or if it's still withdrawing and getting used to living without pills. I stopped gabapentin about a week ago too. Thinking of taking one tonight to see if it makes me feel any better. Something is messed up with my brain or thyroid I'm sure, hopefully not for life.

Also, my itching has got a lot worse. It used to be just hands and feet and now it's all over my body. My head included and outer lady parts too. Am I supposed to put the moisturiser there aswell?

Oh and have had slight bruising again too.

The good things... went to the Ahhaa centre with my therapist and a group of patients. Was fun. I love science. I just wish it would come out with a(n OTC) pill that raises body temperature.

Also I had an interview at this new workplace and a test/try out day. A janitor position at the cinema. Didn't get it. Oh well. I'd just like something new.

This weekend I got a non official job. Cleaning, but it was cut short cause I was feeling like shit and had to come home. Will go back tomorrow to finish the job. And I have one official one to do aswell.

Other than that it's going quite good :)

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Okay, it's almost a fortnight since new year's eve. Isn't it cute how a few years ago when the birds mass died after new year's and they tried to blame it no fireworks? Where are the birds this year? Are they still processing the fireworks in their little bird brains? Are they dead stuck in the sky? Is the medical/military crap still in development or tested on other animals?

Monday, January 08, 2018

the bitch started getting sarcastically smartassy

lol just as the bitch started getting sarcastically smartassy she finds the fucking slash. Problem solved.
Took me fucking two days though.

the funnest time

It's the funnest time looking for a specific single forward slash in an HTML code for a blog theme.

Saturday, January 06, 2018

gonna take the plunge

Okay, gonna take the plunge I think. Going out to buy a menstrual cup. I mean I can't even get a tampon in.... But I don't trust those poisonous and dangerous blood suckers anyway.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

quality and money

Just re-read my last post. Clearly written at 3am lol.

Also, I want a new job. Just to change it up a bit and I feel like I could do something better in terms of I guess quality and money.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Not the first time

Holy cow! I feltlike shit yesterday. Couldn't figure out why. Felt like I had a cold, anxiety, fever and just shit.
Found otu today it's supermoon time. Fuck how this stuff affect the body.
Not the first time either.
So anyone who says I make up stuff myself about it, I don't. I never knew it was full mood time. Oh well, I can be calm aout it now then. Wish I had known about it last night.