Sunday, January 27, 2019

central heating

My nose is so blocked, kill me now!!!
Damn central heating!
It's been like this since... october or something.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Wow. This was a first. I outshopped my mum today. She has this stupid idea of keeping the winter coat on in shops so it was basically like this:
Mum: Ooh, let's go to this shop and then that one.
And then in every shop we went to...
Mum: Can we leave already, I'm so hot!
I told her so many freaking time to take her damn coat off and she said she can't be bothered to have anything in her hands/arms.
Anyway, I got a cute little jacket and a winter coat myself cause the zipper on my last one broke. It was actually the reason why we went shopping today.
Plus I got new sneakers. I don't wanna wear my winter boots cause the salt they put on the roads completely destroys my footwear. I literally bought the runners for this winter only. The only bad thing is, they have kinda hot pink details and laces on them. I will definitely buy some muter coloured laces, like gray.

Yeah and I feel like I might be menopausing. No lie. It's the psych meds I feel.

Monday, January 07, 2019

fruit salad

In other news, I bought fruit salad. It smells and tastes like wine. Probably not gonna eat it.

The last time I watched porn

:D *facepalm* I was hacked ya'll. :D

Okay, these idiots who think this works... it doesn't. Why would they assume everyone watches porn?
The last time I watched porn was when I lived in Ireland, on a different device/network/whatever but okay. So the "hacker's" trojan has serious lag :D I remember being exceedingly frustrated with the porn that's out there. Nothing for women! All porn is so male viewer oriented. I wanted to watch "regular" porn, as in man fucking a woman. Couldn't. All it showed was the bitch's face and holes. Not interested. Plus the damn slapper was screaming bloody murder. Not there for that. I wanted to only see the man and his dick, thanks. So regular porn was a huge no.
The only thing for women would have been some stupid shirtless pics of fucking... beefy firefighters or something. Not interested. I want a regular ass joe fucking, with his dick. And why the fuck do I have to look at these ugly man pictures when men get all kindsa videos of those screaming women? Not fair.
Then I dabbled into lesbian porn, just to see if those idiots were screaming too. They didn't scream. Was much more pleasurable. But absolutely not for me. So I went for gay porn. Found my twinks, I mean, ass fucking, but it was the best I could find. At least it was cute guys, only guys, being sexual.

Now this "hacker" also assumes all people wank. Yeah I don't. Never did when watching the twinks either. I know what I like and what I don't. I like a cute ass man fucking me with his dick, everything else is shit and doesn't turn me on. So fuck yourself, you wanker!

Also I'd like to know how the "hacker" could see through the sticker I have had on my webcam for years.

Now, onto the sharing of the "my wanking vids" or something. Why does this fucker assume again it's a shame? He clearly does not come from my family. I could talk my mother to death about sex and everything that comes with it. I'm an over sharer. I'd say the "hacker" would know if they had been observing me :D Like... this blog for example. Also, yeah I show my mum the dick pics I have on my phone from my lovers lol I really doubt anyone could expose me any more harder than I do it myself.

Also... social life. :D Hahahahahahaa. I literally just know my family which is like... about 4 people.

And the part where they talk about the bitcoins... I know they're trying to sound horrifyingly teasing and amusing but it fails so hard I'm embarrassed for them. You can't bitch a bitch, dude!

Oh that was sent to me in november 2018. Haven't seen anything happening. Would have spiced things up in my life though. :D

Wonder if I should report it? Get those scammers!

Also... I hope there's actual porn for women out there these days. If there is I might have a look again. But I know it would still be naked beefy firefighters and it will never be my thing. I like my skinny ass, short ass averages joes, thanks.

Also I never put anything online or my computer I would never share with anyone. Be wise, kids.