Friday, May 17, 2019

Wow, the air is so dry!

Well, I'm fucking cursed!
A few years back I started taking iron. About an hour after taking the pill I'd get headaches til eventually I ended up completely sick with zero energy to get out of bed. Completely nauseous and in great discomfort all over my body. Sulfate.
Went to try fumarate. All good for about a month or two, great energy. Then bam! The same complete break down. Zero, zero, zero energy to get out of bed, feeling completely sick through out my whole damn body.
Then got prescription iron that supposedly didn't have side effects. About a week in I got headaches starting from the second I opened my eyes in the morning and lasted til I closed my eyes going to bed in the evening. Every single day, no breaks!
And now, I was on Technofer, the soluble pill. Meaning I drank it. And I was like, "What is this weird allergic reaction in ym throat? Wow, the air is so dry!" Bitch! It was the iron. My throat was so irritaed it made me gag, literally. My throat was going insane! And only today did I figure out why it was happening. I was using throat lozenges, nose spray, eye drops, two throat sprays and bought some capsules to put in hot water and breathed in the steam. All cause I didn't know why my throat was so irritated all of a sudden! Then I started to really think what changes I have made recently that could cause it. Fuck! I'm pretty, quite, very sure it's from the iron. I forgot to drink it today during the day and I felt so much better all day. It is still irritated but you can't even compare today and the previous days. I kinda hope my throat was a mess cause of the iron cause then it's answered.
What about my iron levels!? My ferritin was at 6,1 last time. I don't know what to do. The nurse at my GP's office said I might have to start getting iron injections. Fuck no! I don't even wanna know how sick it'll make me. And it would be all out of my control. If it's from a pill I just stop taking the pill but I can't get the shot out of me. Fucking shit!

Monday, May 13, 2019

it's the 8th!

Okay who's dumb idea was it to make mother's day a moving holiday!? For me it's on the 8th of may for ever and ever!
Women's day is on the 8th of march and mother's day is on the 8th of may! Do not question me on this! It's easy to remember them like this. You can call your mum on both days and wish a happy holiday. But now for years I've been calling my mum way before the actual mother's day. Like this year I called her on the 9th, feeling bad I had forgotten the day. So, fuck everybody, it's the 8th!

Thursday, May 02, 2019

a bud

Wow! Wow! Wow!
So my next goals in life has been to have a plant which I grew to blossom. And I have almost succeeded. The flower I was given for my birthday last year by my workplace has a bud! Sadly the weather went bad today, rainy and gloomy and should stay like this for a while. But fuck!!!! I grew a bud!
I was literally gasping for air with exictement when I just saw it.