Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Money and disappointment

Right so - have had money 'flooding' in.
Social welfare illness benefit plus finished bank loan.

Mind has been taken over by personal...disappointments.
Boyfriend came back from holiday but is staying at his mother's house.
He picked up something while on his holiday.
After I had talked to him on the phone I rushed out to buy strawberry yogurt for him, orange juice (the Kelkin one), Lemsips, the film Watchmen (that we were going to see in cinema, but had been taken off before we got there).
Yeah, he was at his mother's house and I bought the stuff for him anyway.
God damn, when he was away I was missing him sick and since he's been back I've been worried sick about him.

Literally, like.
I haven't slept for...nights and been feeling super sick and been for walks in the middle of the night in the pissin' rain (that's to ease the sickly feeling).
Ugh, I swear, I'm missing my soul out.
Or whatever it is that makes the mankind function and alive.

He doesn't seem to be too fazed that I'm on the verge of obsession here.
Hopefully it's the illness that's causing the un-boyfriendly 'attitude'.

Oh, hung out with a friend a few days ago.
She brought me chicken-broccoli-leek-potato soup, sweets and medicine.

Been amazed by lovely Cara Dillon again. Cara Dillon is the voice
Garden Valley
And ever so hypnotizing Fill fill a Rún Ó

I was super happy to find Fill fill a Rún Ó in my violin book. Yeah but playing it I start feeling super sad 'cause it has this heart wrenching sound to it.

I'll leave it at that for this time...

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