Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Was diagnosed with a reflux disease.
Based on the barium meal so.
Have to take pills for the rest of my life.
Not to heal the condition, but to ease the symptoms.
There's no remedy - have an anatomical problem which can't be fixed even with an operation.
Bascially the food pipe muscles are too weak to hold the food and acid in my stomach, so I get heartburn, discomfort, pain, gagging throughout the day, every day...for the rest of my life.
I swear to...something super-important sometimes I want to get out of my body so much.

Plus, the sex this morning is giving me tummy troubles.:(
Could be the chinese I had last night that's making my tummy ache.
Well, it gave a bad stomach to my boyfriend.
Hmh, not fun, especially if you don't have toilet paper in the house.:D

Oh, I have been using
this beauty lamp for spots on my face.
Skin looks better or different but it's only early days.
Got my tooth fixed. Good stuff. Was really proud of myself for not being nervous or scared of the dentist.

Just an update for myself with appointments...again:
2nd of October at 18:00 hypnotherapist
Breath test - Wednesday 11th November 2009 at 09:00
psychiatrist on 17th November 2009
Dr. at hospital - Wednesday 16/12/2009 at 15:30

January 2009 lady doctor
March 2009 dentist check up

Blah, nothing interesting so. Just health stuff.

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