Sunday, December 20, 2009

Scared senile man

Wow. At first when I saw this video, I got kind of annoyed. But the man just kept saying these well...mindless things, so eventually it gets really ridiculous. By his reasons you can see what makes him so hostile. He obviously hasn´t been treated well by white people. But his biggest enemy is his own mind. I´m sure his own up bringing and attitude have a lot to do with his bad experiences. There´s no way I want to kill a black person. In his case I´d like to send him to a madhouse or a psychiatrist. His wife obviously isn´t an adequate psychologist or in an appropriate state of mind to be leading some psychologist group.
And as for white people killing the black did the white folks go to Africa and give the locals there AIDS? I think he makes out that black people are "the weak ones", on a lower intellectual level. Basically saying that they´re too stupid to survive and the only way to live is to get rid of the enemy on a very primitive level - killing the white people.
Not only is he unfair toward the whites, he also disrespects "his own kind".
Thank god he´s just a writer - the little engine that thought it could.
If Obama started to say things like that, then yes I might take up the hobby of killing black people, cause I too have a bit of racism in me, toward America, thanks to Bush. Yeah, that bastard is killing everybody, but he sure doesn´t represent every american or every white person in the world. As well as the white people treating that man or his friends badly don´t rule the minds of every other white person in the world.
Anyway, I think there´s plenty of successful and powerful black people in the world and the man should realise this. Why go back to the primitve level and kill everybody? I know that the levels he mentioned hurt people a lot worse than an actual killing killing, but it is on those levels that people get success and power as well as a lot of positive things without the stresses an worries. I´m not trying to do some crazy deep preach here, just saying the man is lost in his tiny angry black world. If you have a bad attitude toward someone on a personal level, then you´re gonna get back hurt on a personal level. And if he wants to call people names then well, he´s the nigger. White folks are crackers. Well, it goes like this by his definition. Anyway, I don´t really care about the colour of skin that much. There have been quite a few pricks at my work palce, customers. But generally I don´t even think about it. I so much rather dislike this other nation. :D Hahaha, okay I won´t mention anything here.
I swear I´m trying to avoid those people. I have a valid reason for not liking them, but I will never go on TV and start wondering out loud how to get rid of them. First, like the old man in the video I´m in no position to air something as hateful as him and it´s not gonna change anything in other people´s lives. You just make yourself look sad and idiotic, so...
I love everybody!

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