Sunday, December 20, 2009


Wow, what a day!
Boyfriend came over on Thursday night.
Was over on Friday and went out with work crowd.
Got back to my place last night around 3 o´clock.
Was weird and scary.
Had a bad hangover today.
But I loved it.
Couldn´t really take care of him cause there wasn´t much I could do, but it did feel nice to nurse him.
Well, I did go to the pharmacy to get him tablets for head and stomach.
And I loved the cuddling aswell, better than the regular cuddle.
Felt super sorry for him, cause he was so sick.
I even said sorry for the time I texted him "It´s your own fault, you brought it on yourself. I´m not gonna feel sorry for you" as an answer to his text "I have a bad hangover" he had sent some other time. It was very insensitive of me that time.
I guess hangover is a bad enough punishment, no need for someone to give out aswell.

Hmh, had me thinking about what I said about drugs and people who take them. Illegally.

R <3 xxx

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