Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blah day.

What a pointless day it was!
Felt sick through most of it.
Played a bit of violin.
Found the tuner. Sounded so bad before.

Oh, took a pregnancy test. It has only been six days but yeah I figure if I have the pains then they're period pains rather than anything else.
Come on, bring on the period!

Still didn't hear from the boyfriend.

Oh and I just love That 70s Show! I can wake up in the morning and put on the show and watch about three seasons a day in a row. Love it, love it!

It's different with Glee though. That show is a load of...poop. When it comes to Kevin and the show then it's like...liking a garbage man. Oh well, it's not the woman's business what job the man has got, she doesn't have to be interested in his career. It's a person's choice only how they earn their rent and bills money. Eugh, Glee stinks, garbage.

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