Friday, January 29, 2010

Just a thought about Haiti

Yeah, you know the there's ads and stuff to get you to give money for the organizations that help Haiti people and then there's people who actually donate money for that.

I was thinking that if it really is as big of a catastrophy as they make out then why is there money needed.
Can't those people who get the money eventually provide help for free? Whatever the help might be - offering food, shelter, medical help, equipment, delivery. Why can't all those people in charge of those things do it for free? Why is the money needed? To me the donating is not about giving or recieving help, I see it as an act of greediness.

I'd have no problem giving money myself, I just don't have any left over.
I gotta pay for my own shelter, food and medical help. If I don't I'll be socially frowned upon and environmentally labelled as a tramp and personally...I wouldn't survive, especially with my poor stomach.

I would do my voodoo positive energy thing towards those people but I'm sick, think I won't be sending out that positive energy now.

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