Saturday, February 20, 2010

How much wood could a "woodchukka" chukka...

Hyde: (To Fez) Shoes say a lot about a man. In your case, your chukka boots are screaming "virgin."
Fez: Damn you, boots. What else have you told them?
Kelso: Hey, Fez, seeing you wear those chukkas makes me wanna up-chukka.
Hyde: Nice.
(Kelso and Hyde high five)
Kelso: Yeah. It's like I ate too many "chukkalate" chip cookies.
Hyde: Okay.
Kelso: Yeah, how much wood could a "woodchukka" chukka...
Hyde: Hey! Shut the "chukka" up.


What hurts a man?

Eric: ...We're just friends now, because she's over it. Well, guess who else is over it?
(Hyde, Fez, Kelso raise hands)
Hyde: I am.
Kelso: Me too.
Fez: So over it.
Kelso: Look, man, breaking up sucks, okay? When Jackie dumped me, do you know what she said? "Something, something. Never wanna see you again. Blah-blah-blah." Hey, you think that didn't hurt?"

I love those boys. :)

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