Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just reach in and corner it and give it a rub

Red: Surprise! This ought to keep you company during the week.
Kitty: Roy's Pet Store. Red, you got me a cat!
Red: Well, it's like a cat.
(opens the box and takes out a bag with a fish in it)
Kitty: A fish? Red, it's a fish.

Red: See, it's like a cat.
They're both pets.
Kitty: No, they're not. Pets are called pets becuase you pet them. How do I pet this thing?
Red: Well, you just reach in and corner it and give it a rub.


Okay, I don't really like dogs, but this puppy is cute. Especially its tail.
It makes some really cute noises. :D Aww :D :D


Also, I tried to find a good live version fo Booty Luv's Boogie Tonight but couldn't.
This is the best version. A very very good song.

The singer has got some boobs on her! Me, jealous? Nah. What woman doesn't want AA's on her?

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