Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Oscar speech

I've been mad busy with my forum.
I've also had the time to die several times a day during the past three, four days.
Really have to see a gyno, something inside me that I lack is trying to kill me.
Or maybe it's some overdose of bodily ingridients? whatever you call those things
Felt super super weak, light headed and crampy.
Oh started taking iron tabs three days ago.

Anyway, didn't have the time to come on here for quite a few days.
And I did now and wow! I'm like super popular! :D
I have a follower! A follower! :D
Wow, I feel like reciting a thank you speech I'd give if I won an Oscar. Hahahaa
Anyway, here she is.
Ingrid, my first follower: 

Thanks for paying attention to me. :)


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