Monday, February 15, 2010

My Valentine's day

So yeah, was the big day then.
Started as usually. Got a really good sleep. Deep one and long enough.
Didn't feel too sick or anything.

Boyfriend rang around half 2, wanted to collect me and go up to his house.
Anyway, he was over by 4.
We stayed at my place, cause I don't want to go anywhere before I know what is wrong with me.
So I know I won't be feeling sick anywhere and if I do then I can take a pill that will make me feel good.

So we stayed at my place and watched a film, Madagascar 2.
Ordered a delivery, Thai food, number 24 - mine mild with chicken and prawns, his was spicy, plus spring rolls for me.

Oh and just for the record 'today' and 'yesterday' caused me pains.
So for some time during the evening I had pains in lower tummy aswell as in lower back.
Oh and in some previous post I said I had burning nips, well I told my boyfriend aswell.
Said, " was an allergic reaction to shower gel."
Boyfriend, "Did you throw it out?"
Me, "No, I just don't wash my nipples. Wash around them." :D
I explained that I cannot waste my money by throwing stuff out.

Anyway, then we watched Family Guy on DVD. I got mindlessly bored.
I don't like watching TV!!
Plus the logs in the fireplace were filling the room with smoke and terrible smell.
Made me dizzy.

Came upstairs, to my room, filed nails, went back downstairs, then came upstairs with boyfriend.
Were on internet for a while.
Then I read unicorn and tarot cards to my man.
He was half asleep though.
Anyway, he went to sleep properly and I started to write my blog.

- He got me a card for the day. And chocolates. Ha! I was absolutely craving for something sweet last night.
I didn't get him anything though.
- Although, Katriona came into the sitting room when we were watching family guy and handed us Avon mag.
It had the rub-and-sniff pages and I found a fragrance I want to get for my bf. I asked him if he'd wear it, he said yes. It was a scent for women, so hopefully it'll be as nice for men.
- Oh and before Katriona walked in I had fallen asleep on the couch. Boyfriend said he can always tell when I've fallen asleep without actually knowing if I'm asleep or not. He said that I always start twitching when I'm asleep. :D
- He also said that I liked 'light' flowers, not roses or red flowers.
Ha! He got that wrong! I only like blue flowers! Well, I don't like roses or red flowers, he got that right.
- Geoffrey Oryema is just so good! The boyfriend said he liked his music aswell.
Ye ye ye!

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