Monday, February 08, 2010

"Pole eales keegi mind veel köitnud nii nagu sina teed..."

So me and my bf had been planning to see Avatar for ages.
And finally we got to see it yesterday.
I didn't really get to enjoy the film that much cause I was concentrating too hard on not feeling sick.
Today's a killer aswell. Boo!
Anyway, looked quite good and I liked the leading lady a lot, she wasn't too lovey-dovey.
Most of the time I was thinking the film was exactly like Mononoke Hime.
Except I like the ending in Mononoke Hime more cause well there is a love story in it, but it shows the characters staying true to themselves and I like personal developement a lot better than a soppy love story.
Oh and I like the tree spirits in MH more. They're not as obviously cute and beautiful.

My 3D glasses. Keeping them for Alice In Wonderland.
Yeah, the cinema people are a bit mad - what kinda place charges 3.25 for a bottle of water?! You can get 4 bottles for 2 euro in Pound Shop!
There's also the popcorn and Fanta my man got.

Yeah so...was with my boyfriend, did the usual couples' stuff. Oh and we might go to the zoo on Valentine's Day. He said he doesn't really give a shit about the day and think he was relieved that I'm not that into it either. Well he was talking kind of sarcastically about women who make men do stuff with/for them on that day and also make them buy stuff for them and...stuff.
Oh and he also said women, most women, are catty and manipulate with their man and get them to do stuff for them and live by their 'rules'. And apparently I'm not like that. He said if I were like that he would have run away long time ago. So I take it I'm a good girlfriend. No? :D

Oh and here's one more video I love. How cute!?

And another beautiful beautiful song!
"Pole eales keegi mind veel köitnud nii nagu sina teed..."  
How feminine and lovely!

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