Monday, April 19, 2010

Feeling like I'm in charge doesn't feel too bad yet

So I have a bit of a soap opera going on.
I'm kind of on a break with my bf.
Ugh, hate all this hullabaloo.
Anyway, for a while, I want to feel like I'm single.
And I'm glad things are moderately civil between me and the bf.
Came over yesterday and had a little chat.
Was okay, but from now on, I'll pretend I'm single.
Even for a little while.

Other than that, maybe I already blogged about it, but I made a lovely dinner the other day.
I mean I cooked.
You can get four beef burgers for three euro.
That's a bargain!
So I fried those.
Added one grated red pepper, one grated er...yellow? onion (not the red one anyway), two crushed gloves of garlic and some mushrooms.
Plus salt, pepper, stakehouse seasoning/pepper, sweet paprika powder and BBQ seasoning.
Cooked mashed potatoes with barley to go with it.

Have to think of what to cook for dinner tonight.
Might go with chicken.
Have to leave the house in a minute, well once I get my hair dried and myself dressed.
Have to buy food and get the Social Welfare cert from the doctor and bring it over to the SW office.

Oh and I've really put the acting thing off.
Mostly cause I can't afford to go to any auditions or courses.
But I'm not throwing the thought out of my head just yet.

Alright, I'm off.

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