Saturday, April 24, 2010

Love Ellie!

Gahhh, how amazing is Ellie Goulding!?
She's got the sweetest and cutest voice ever!
I know I already fangirled about her (see post I've seen you in a fight you lost, 14th of April), but she's so super I have to do it again!

Why can't we speak another language, one we all agree on?

And here's a cover and a duet (Robyn's Be Mine, with Erik Hassle)

And this is a little something very special that I will purchase once I have money.
Ellie's album Lights.
Go look for it in shops or online and buy it!

On a personal note - was out with my... well boyfriend. I don't know what you call people based on relationships that are not so... easy to define.
Anyway, I called him out myself.
Spent about two hours in the park.
Was kind of warm at first, but got colder and windier by the river.
When leaving I gave him a hug and he was like, "What the hell does that mean?"
Dang, just because I break up with you, doesn't mean I hate you.
Anyway, we left on a light, kind of warm note.

Um, Katriona went to the races today.
She was all dressed up with a hair piece and all.
I don't understand why dress up so fancypantsyly when going to see horses run.
It's like going to a football match in high heels and some crazy hair piece.

Oh and a friend of mine sent me a pic of her with her lovely preggers tummy on show.
So cute. ;)
I want a baby now!
Seriously, if I had the man for the father position, I'd get pregnant in a blink of an eye.
And if the friend's reading, this is for you: click me!

Plus I have three new followers. Apprently I have more, but they're private.
Anyway, here's Pille-Riin, Taisi Tammur and ThatStaceyGirl:

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