Friday, April 30, 2010

Tonight we feast

Today was an interesting day.
I went baby clothes shopping.
The clothes are so small and super super super-cute.
I got so broody for a few minutes I felt like I was shopping for myself.
The clothes are for my friend's baby.
I'd post pictures but I don't want to ruin the surprise since my friend has an access to my blog.
Well, I wasn't gonna actually tell her anything, but I had to cause I needed to be sure of the address.

And the baby clothes shop was looking for a part time worker so I will get my CV done tomorrow and bring it over. If my calculations are right, it'll only be a 100 euro per week, but it'll do. I might get another part time job. Just to keep things away from routine.

Oh and yeah, I'm back talking about TMI-y stuff.
Well, my periods kinda funny.
Did a test about a week ago, was negative.
When I get my medical card I'll pay my lady doctor a visit.

Oh, Colette caught me starkers the other day.
My room's right next to the bathroom, so I find it obvious that I skip in there naked.
I wasn't expecting anyone to be in the hallway.
She just wen, "Oww, my eyes!!!"

Last night, I watched The Core with the girls.
Brilliant film.

Well, it's not funny now, but I when I turned up the volume, the volume icon appeared on the screen.
Right at the same time as a location name in the film.
The volume thingy hid the location.
I was like, "Oh sorry, it said something like...San Fransisco something something", being all informative and helpful toward the girls.
Then Katriona went, "No, it actually said Salt Flats - Utah."
Well, I only saw the S from under the volume icon and San Fransisco was the first thing that came to my mind.
A disaster film is exactly my kinda film. Even Armageddon would do if it wasn't that stupid.
There weren't any major mistakes in the film for me, although we got the Earth encyclopedia out and apparently the mantle is solid. In the film it was liquid.

And some other nights me and K watched The Creep and Dead End.
Yeah, they're not the scariest films, they're just gross.
The Creep made me feel so queasy I had to stop watching it.

Today, me and K went to Xtra-vision.
I made an account there, so I can rent films when I feel like it.
Today we got Year One, 2012 and The Soloist.
I've seen Year One (since it's on my PC) and I love it.

I quite like Jack Black. He's a funny one.
I also like Nacho Libre. I have that one on my PC as well.
My favourite part of the film is when Jack's character does Marlak and goes, "Tonight we feast" and then pulls all of his arrows out of the holder.
What a whackadoo! :D

Oh and I'm still very much watching That '70s Show.
Alrighty, I'm off to check what the girls' sims are up to in my game.

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