Sunday, April 04, 2010

Vanilla cheesecake

So first time in ages I managed to take a shower before noon.
And I think I broke the shower. It started making weird noise.

Anyways, it looks nice out, sunny, so hopefully I'll be able to go out.
Preferably not alone.
Katriona's with her friend Sarah.
Wonder what they'll be doing today.

Yeah and I have to place an hour for the relaxing exercises somewhere in my daily roster.
I'm too lazy to relax. Honestly.

Will have my gorgeous dinner for breakfast.
Gah, onion's a bitch.
You'll  have irritated eyes for the rest of the night once you're done with it, seriously.

Yeah, not much has been going on, so I'll just post a couple of videos of songs I like:

Lovely song, lovely lady

Dang it! Miley's not the worst singer, but come on, you gotta admit, some of her songs are too good for her. I guess it does the job

Oh, Marks & Spencer have the loveliest vanilla cheesecake. Yum.
I might go buy a new one if the shop's open.
Damn holidays. I don't like any of them that allow shop assistants to have a day off.
Who cares that some dude with long hair was born, I'm still hungry and need to be fed.

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