Saturday, April 10, 2010


So my statements "I hate dogs" and "Dogs are annoying and stupid" were proved very right last night, by a dog.
A neighbours bastard kept barking all night non-stop so I was up til around half three.
Then I went to sleep downstairs in the living room.
I really needed a good sleep though to look fresh and bright cause I had the photo shoot today, for the acting agency type of thing.
Yeah, I found the place ok, wasn't hidden anywhere unfindable in Dublin's dodgy grotty ghetto.
Had to fill in a form, was just basic information.
For availability I ticked the "anytime" box.
I didn't tick the "anywhere" box. Have to look up where all the places are before deciding on them.
Payed 99 euro, so.
It'll take up to three weeks to get my profile set up on the website.
If the pics come out nice and I have some acting experiences to write down there, I will post a link here. :)
I got really nervous though and I didn't even have to do any acting yet.
Will see how next week will go if the course is still on.
Oh, I was sitting next to an older man and he said he was on a soap two days ago.
Wow! :D Not.
Well, he said it like he was showing off.
Anyways, afterwards I was walking around Dublin.
Went to McDonald's, got filet-of-fish with full slice of cheese and mayo instead of tartar sauce.
Saw a few people from my own country, well heard.
Then some French people, Germans who were feeding birds, British woman at a bus stop with a cello (or maybe double bass, I can't tell by the case) and loadsa other nationalities.
I also saw a monk.
The men in Dublin are so fashionable and done up they look down right ladylike.
There were a few lookers.
Anyways, got back to my hometown.
On my way home I stopped by the neighbour's house who has the damn loud dog.
Talked to the son first. He looked and sounded a bit of dope head.
I mean he probably is an easy person to get on with, but you cannot sort out a loud dog business with him.
Talked to his mother and father - apparently other neighbours have been complaining about the dog as well.
Yeah, home now and totally wrecked.
So excited about the photos, want my profile to be up already!

I heard the song somewhere in Dublin, plus I adore the girl (I've possibly posted the video before)

I had a little squee moment when I saw I had someone from USA, Plano looking at my blog.
Ha! :D Whoever it was, they reminded me of how fit Kevin McHale is. He's so sexy it's unreal!

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