Friday, May 21, 2010

Buying a tomato

Aw, I lost a follower - ThatStaceyGirl.
Oh well.

Anyway, went for a walk with K.
Was nice, tired now.
I know it's late but I'll go to the shop now to buy a tomato.
Want to cook an omlette.

I started feeling kind of bad for not saving money for the "bf"'s birthday.
Oh well, maybe next week.
I'm not sure when his birthday is actually.
It's either the 24th or 26th.

Oh I just remembered now, it's on the 24th.
The last time he was over he said he'll be 24 on the 24th.

Maybe I'll send flowers.
I don't actually know his address.

I wanted to get something for him, but it's like 50 euros or something.

Anyways, I didn't spend all of the money on myself.
I finally got to send the parcel with baby clothes to my friend.
Fucking 10 euro!?

Yeah..okay, I'm off to buy my tomato now.
And yeah, I'm not really a bad person, I hate the Polish for a very valid reason.

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