Monday, May 17, 2010

The crowd sounds so good!

Nice tunes.
Cory actually sounds decent on that tune. But yeah, it's most probably not his natural singing voice.
Seen a few videos of Glee tour.
They're not too bad actually.
And I don't know if I said it already or not, but Naya Rivera has a really good voice. Like her better than Lea.

Love the second video. A classic song.
The crowd sounds so good!

Oh yeah and my friend had a baby.
Mmh, how I want one aswell.
I don't want a man though.
Only for my entertainment, that's all.
I don't want anyone hanging around being all... boyfriendly and fatherly.

And! My psychologist is stuck in Rome because of the ash cloud.
So, no therapy tomorrow.
Yay, I have 7.70 euros to buy crap.
Food probably.
Yeah, I've been eating a little.
Cooked omlette with tomatoes, mushrooms, frankfurters and garlic. And cheese.

Right, off to take a shower and go out.

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